There comes a time when you begin to think about your life differently than you had in the past. That time has come for me. I began to think about how I feel every day. I was feeling like crap! My energy was low, I couldn’t get up early anymore, started taking naps and I thought this was it. I’m going to be that woman who gets fat and lazy and eats whatever she wants because it doesn’t make any difference now anyway. Then I stood back, thought about the past few years of my life and said, “Heck no!” Three years ago, I lost 60 lbs. I changed my eating habits, what I was eating and I loved the way I felt! I gained 20 of it back in between because I had two miscarriages and while I was pregnant for those six nonconsecutive months, I ate like I was pregnant. So, naturally, I put on weight. I had to just tell myself, “You can do it again. You kept it off for almost two years, and you can keep it off for the rest of your life.”
While I was researching the real reason I lost the weight and the real way to be eating, I was also preparing for the pregnant goats to give birth. That meant I would have a boat load of goat milk to use up. I was shopping on Amazon for milking buckets and funnels and found cheese making stuff. I thought, “Yeah! I’m gonna make cheese for sure with all this milk.” So the hunt began for cheese making stuff as well. I came across this thing that looked like it just separated curds and whey. Ok, that sounds like cheese making. Everyone knows about curds and whey. I’m going to buy it. So I bought it, and this is what it looked like when it got here. It was all gross looking and dripping with yucky white stuff, and I had no idea what this mess could have been. So I looked at the brochure that came with it and noticed it said Kefir. I had no idea what that even meant. So the research continued.
I asked the Google what kefir was and what people did with it. I got a tremendous amount of information about it and all of the health benefits that come from drinking Kefir. I was sort of excited. Health benefits. Hmm…I could use some health benefits. And after a lot of reading and a lot of listening to people talk about how they were making this stuff at home, I was sold! I was making Kefir with my goats’ milk.
Well, one woman stood out in the crowd of You Tube Kefir makers, and that was Wardeh Harmon. Her voice was so pleasant to listen to. She was kind and included everyone in her chats. She had the most interestingly authentic demeanor about her. I believed what she said, and I wanted to hear more about what she knew. After many days, actually weeks of listening to and reading Wardeh’s information, I found that she was the founder of TCS (Tradition Cooking School) . So, I investigated further and ordered a few of her e-books. When I finished all my research and investigation of this cooking school, I signed up. And I haven’t regretted a single minute.
After learning how to cook the best way possible for the best possible health benefits and healing, I am on the road to recovery. I am feeling good, energetic again, and I love cooking this way!! I am very happy to have found my turning point and then made the turn. Turning is important. Otherwise, the opportunity passes you by. I hope to share my experiences in the kitchen with you because if it made me feel better, it could do the same for you.
I tell my kids, “I know I won’t live forever, but I want to feel good for the time I am alive.”