When you care for elderly in your home, it can be a life changing experience. Sitting in my office, I just heard my father talking to my deceased mother saying, “Hopefully, I won’t be long.” I feel tears well up in my eyes, but it is all he wants. I thought it would be a…
Author: kitschierm
Work in Progress Wednesday–Knitting
I would like to have a podcast someday called Work in Progress Wednesday and broadcast it every week because I know I would never run out of material. AND I would bet that many of you would never run out of material to talk about in the comments either. This Wednesday, I would like to…
You Deserve to Eat Garbage
After a long month of rather aggravating series of events, driving in the car with some kids, I said, “Let’s just go to Burger King. I feel like eating garbage.” My son lovingly says, “You deserve it!” I looked over and said, “So, I deserve to eat garbage?” Hardest laugh all day. I needed that.
Oil and Water
At our 20th anniversary dinner at the Brown Derby, I ordered a porterhouse, medium rare and a baked sweet potato. He ordered a porterhouse medium well with french fries. I say, “Oil and water. We are oil and water.” He says, “That works. Its an immulsion. It will stay together. You just have to keep…
Introducing Kitschier and Co.
Introducing Kitschier and Co. Fiber Arts
Accidental Hangover Cure: How Special Coffee Became an Elixir
I thought I was just offering him a cup of my special coffee, but it turned out to be more of an accidental hangover cure. We have made it a tradition to have a big celebration on Thanksgiving. Every year we seem to add something new, and one of these additions is cooking turkeys…
Yes, Son, Please Bring Your Knife to School
Do you ever think about the reasons people speak in opposition to weapons? I ask myself that all the time. In the face of an ongoing war, the government expects us to sign our children up to serve but do not allowed them to learn about weapons. Maybe the insurgence of violence in our cities gets you…
The Grandma-mom
According to the US Census Bureau in 2012, “Grandparents maintained 67 percent of coresident households. About 1 in 3 grandparent- maintained households had no parent present.” That is 67% of 4.2 MILLION households maintained by grandparents. WHAT? Those numbers shock me, and it is probably because I just didn’t grow up that way. People raised…
Get Your Ginger Bug On
Baby has a runny nose. “Go get my ginger bug.” My stomach hurts. “Go get my ginger bug.” It’s shark week. I feel awful. “Go get my ginger bug.” Wow! My wrist is killing me! “Go get my ginger bug.” My whole body hurts. “Go get my ginger bug.” I hate drinking water. “Go get…
Fate Filled Suicide
There seems to be an influx in the chatter about suicide today. I don’t know if it is because talking about it in public stopped being taboo or if there is an increase in suicides from earlier years, but either way, people are affected. It is the people part that I am interested in talking…